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" One scout reported discovering a populated planet, on the verge of emerging as technological civilization. The dominant species was so similar to the Creators a common origin was suggested. They decided to place an observation post. The post, including the wormhole, had to be moved by FTL transport to establish an anchor point here. The post was ready for installation just after your Civil War." How did the house come to be built here, without a complete record of its history, in such a convenient and visible location? Manhattan, if not built up, was at least partially planned and mapped at that time. If it was simply put anywhere, how did it happen that the city grew so neatly around this observation post?" For several centuries, my Creators possessed the ability to look into the near past and future, a temporal peephole, if you will, but did not have the technology as yet to move objects. The science team made a breakthrough and discovered a method of moving objects through time.. “Yes Master,” the slave managed to say. Then Master informed slave that it would be its responsibility to make this happen.The slave had never been with another woman before. It had never even considered it. In past vanilla relationships it had been asked several times to participate in an ffm experience but it had always been able to say no. It explained quickly that it liked men exclusively and had no desire to go the “other way”. But it knew that it wouldn’t and couldn’t do that with Master. But could it actually put its mouth on another woman’s pussy? The thought of it sent different thoughts into the slave’s mind. It was thoughts of both disgust and curiosity. It had always heard that women knew what turns other women on. It also had friends who had bisexual experiences and loved it. But could slave actually do this? It spent a long time debating this in its head, going over the pros and cons of it. If it didn’t do this then Master would be greatly disappointed and.
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