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“Yes! My god! That’s amazing,” the doctor responded. “So, now can you tear up the papers to have me sectioned and promise that when I get back you’ll perform the hypnosis for me?” I was happy to see him rip up the papers in front of me. Samir was just standing in a shocked surprise at what was happening in front of him. “I want to get this over and done with. I think Alima might have put something in the curse that is making my love for you even stronger. I can’t stop thinking about you and even when I sleep you torment me in my dreams. Doctor Franklin has agreed to help us, but he says the longer this goes on the harder it will be for me to completely forget you.” Samir nodded his head to say he’d understood and I closed my eyes. I knew from the last times that no matter how quick we made it, the feelings of desire were still going to be increased. I had taken us to a blank white room. The doctor had suggested that it would be easier when it came to removing things. I led him over. I wanted to go, but she tells me to keep waiting since I was a little drunk, and I recommend that as soon as I could to bake cookies.I'm waiting for a pho, go to the bathroom and see her underwear (I've always been attracted to his underwear)Beginning to lead me forgetting to bake cookies, she calls me and reminds me once again of baking cookies.I'm running into the kitchen with cock in hand I was excited at the most, and I take the pan, I go in the fridge and I can not find the butter, I do not think the second time and finish my masturbation filling the pan and imburrandola with my hot spermThen pono cookies over and put them in the oven, freshly baked raffaella enters and goes straight to the oven, open to take a look and see fry, and asked me what I had put in the pan, and I tell her the butter.We'll have a chat, as time passes and the cookies are ready, bakes them and begin to eat, she says (mmmmm), I say "you're a good cook, eh love?" so we do we eat the pan.When I say that I.
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