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" She spat, fire in her eyes. "Now the question iswhat am I going to do with you sissy?" Her tone was aggressive,dominant, crushing him as he blushed deeply, his heart pounding incomplete embarrassment, he could feel his knees trembling and stupidlyhe felt close to tears. "Well what have you got to say for yourself,sissy?" He tried stuttering a reply, struggling to think of an excuse.She didn't wait anyway, "Go to your room sissy and put on the things Ileft out for you, then get back down here and quick about it. And You'dbetter do as I tell you or I'll be ringing your boss and telling himall about the pervert he has working for him."He stood there for a second, rooted to the spot, terrified of thishorrible woman who was so aggressively daring him to object. "NOW." Shehissed. "Or I ring him." She had the phone in her hand as he ran,stumbling up the steps, his mind a mental turmoil of despair, he couldsee no way out. He changed as quickly as he could, she was counting fromthe hallway. During my basic training, I got my second broken nose. In our hand to hand combat training, I just couldn't believe that Sergeant Jackson could toss me around the way he did. I felt that if I could meet him off duty I could take him. There wouldn't be any rules or any sergeants to stop a recruit if an instructor was about to get his bell rung. The reason that Jackson's control of me in the staged fights bothered me so much was his size.I was 6 feet 3 with no slack belly and he was barely 5 feet 8 and weighed about a hundred and sixty. The other thing that bothered me is that he had to be 40 years old. On one of the few nights that I didn't have the duty, I waited for Sergeant Jackson behind the "Slop Chute". That's the NCO club and I felt I had an even better chance with him if Jackson had been drinking. When Sergeant Jackson came out of the NCO club, I invited him to meet me behind the building."I think we need to talk Sergeant Jackson," I told him. "A little discussion about the.
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