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She had bean thinking about this for a long time, but it was not until tonight she had finally decided. It was far from sensible, but she wanted to do something crazy for real, not just act crazy in front of the camera. She'd had a few boyfriends and of course, they had sex with each other. Avril was not inexperienced But what she craved something more. Whenever she fantasied about sex, it was always the same scenario: a bunch of unknown, black men who fucked her hard and mercilessly. She had never told anyone, not even the girlfriends that had told her about this place. Had she told them her plans, they would have tried to talk her out of it. Now, here she was: Blue Jack's Bar. The B in the "Bar" flickered irregularly. She felt a nervousness tickle in the pit of the stomach, mixed with a sense of excitement. She was in deep water and once she stepped through the door, there was no way back. And so she entered. The bar was dark and the air thick with smoke. There was some hiphop. His work-callused palm chafed her tender flesh. His kneading fingers felt like tongues of fire lapping at her bared thighs, especially to the moist, creamy skin at the very tops of her tremulous legs. The crotchband of her nylon panties was already becoming damp with the secretions of her unsummoned arousal when the heel of his hand began rubbing against her clefted mound. He cupped her cunt and held it lightly, nothing more. Sue began squirming in sensual discomfort, pressing her hot and sticky pussy tighter against his hand. She couldn't seem to help herself.The inning ended and the station went to a commercial. Hub patted Sue's twat and sent her for more beer. She got him one and opened another for herself, too. When she sat back down beside him, he put his right arm around her, drew her close and French kissed her. Sue wondered if she were losing her mind as she licked back at his beery tongue and then sucked down hungrily on the vulgar, suggestively thrusting thing. She had a can.
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