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I fell to my knees and began lapping at her clit like a dog lapping at a fresh bowl of water, she was soaking wet and I was addicted to her taste. Rose ooo'd and ahhh'd and I knew I was hitting the right notes. My cock began to harden again much to my surprise and I knew that now was time to claim my ultimate prize. I stood up sensing her look of disappointment. As I pressed my hard member to her thigh, her smile returned and I spun her round. I hiked her robe up above her hips revealing her stunning thick bum, I just couldn't wait to feel that recoil back against my body. Rose leaned forward on to the counter using both hands for balance as she dropped her head in anticipation, I positioned her legs slightly wider and lined my thick 7 1/2 inches up with her hole using her juices as lubrication. She was pushing back in need of my cock as I pushed the head into her waiting pussy as she gasped at it's thickness. "Ohhhh baby you're stretching me and it feels so good." I held the. She had a band of chainmail around her tits and her skirt was shorter than mine, barely covering her rump. She had the same shoulder and left arm protection, leaving her sword arm free to swing her tulwar.“It's time,” Princess Naryu purred. She knelt before the stairs, naked, her dark-brown skin covered in the same oil as Pyrriah and me. Beside her, Princess Lavhi lay bound and gagged, vibrators in her pussy and asshole giving her the fix she craved.“Good luck,” Lasla moaned. “May our father's lusts protect you.” Her blue eyes still brimmed with doubt. “I love you both!”Lasla threw her arms around Pyrriah and me, pulling us into a three-way, incestuous kiss. My two sister's lips were on mine. The shouts of the crowd dwindled before this wonderful sensation. I closed my eyes, loving my women. I would prevail. I had to believe that. I had to have as much confidence as when I rammed my cock into Queen Athirmi's cunt. I could do this. My sister had trained me. She was the best there was..
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