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What she did, knowingly or not, was agree to an uncontested divorce and the division of property that my attorney had suggested. His office had filed the papers immediately, and she would have an uphill battle to change anything.He did agree that she could not claim any part of the farm since I had owned it before we were married. The same thing covered the millions of dollars in my primary and secondary savings accounts from before we were married. They were still in just my name, as was my account with the money manager.The shit hit the proverbial fan later that day. The bank’s corporate investigator fired Wilbur within an hour of arriving at the branch. My estranged wife also learned that she wasn’t the only one he was screwing, and that he had no intention of supporting her ass--just fucking it.When she called trying to make amends, I reminded her that my job still entailed wallowing in the dirt, cleaning up after pigs, and shoveling horse shit. Reminding her how much she hated. She purred like a smaller cat than Rebecca's tigress, and pulled my hips into her as she ground her pelvis into mine. We quickly set up a steady motion, although we maintained full body coverage, so I couldn't keep looking into her eyes to measure her responses, though her body left no doubt about how she felt.I'd only been pumping into her for a little while when I felt her stiffen and her pussy began to flutter around me. I shoved in deep and let her have her orgasm without trying to fight it. Once it began to quiet down I began thrusting again, the slight pause giving me more breathing room myself. I held her tightly as I began working on her, and it only took a short while until she started a second minor orgasm. Man, she was ready to go tonight! I guess hearing everyone else talk about their explosive orgasms had them both primed. I just hoped they didn't expect the same response, since I thought much of the other girls' responses was due to their brains adapting to the physical.
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