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They have powerful short legs matched with long forearms ending in powerful knuckles and move about much like huge hairless apes. But unlike earth bound simians, they can gallop and run as far as horses could. They can also rival monkeys with their speed and skill at climbing and clinging to trees and cliff sides. But their resemblance to humanoid or even apelike form ends there for unlike human hobbits Puzlicki's sport a concave shape head, curving inward from chin to forehead, chinky-slit eyelids, huge rat-like ears, stubby nostrils that barely protrude from the face and a huge mouth with enormous suction like lips that are about 10 times the size of humans. But the most intriguing physical feature of the Puzlickis are their huge elongated flexible tongues that could stretch to a full 24 inch in length with five times more manipulability than that of humans. Without teeth or fangs, these strange looking tongues are necessary for the Puzlicki's survival for they forage almost. " He stared down into his drink and spun it on the polished tavern table top. Michael continued , "We've all been there. Exactly where you are now. Believe me this is the safest and most rewarding way to live out that dream." Tom nodded, but without conviction. Despite himself, his eyes wandered across the table and rested on the opening of Sylvia's low slung gown. The top of her tits were blatantly displayed, rising and falling with each breath. We started the “Wife Watchers” club to scratch that itch. “You have it too, Tom... scratch it.” Michael pressed on with his argument and as he did so, he reached across his body and pinched the succulent tit of his wife Sylvia. She squirmed more like a sexual kitten than one trying to escape. “I wanna watch you get it on with Sylvia tonight. Sure, I get jealous but that adds to the arousal. I want to see her examine and stroke your cock. Suck your cock. Fuck you. I want you to spread her legs and stare at her juicy cunt, right in front of.
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