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Too bad my Gravon was pretty decent. “Replay past ten seconds and filter out the translation.”“ ... can’t tell you if the Terran Liberation Army was involved. Please leave.”I sighed. That explained a whole damn lot. Even if it wasn’t the Terran Liberation Army, the biggest and most radical anti-alien terrorist group aiming to kick any aliens off our world, there would be at least five other three-letter syndicates gunning for our extra-terrestrial neighbors. Hardly a week went by without another attack. Suddenly skin color or religion were completely irrelevant as far as the extremists were concerned. The only thing they seemed unified in was their dislike towards anything not born on Earth. Of course they still want to keep all the shiny new tech which had made life so much better. And they probably wanted to watch all the uncensored alien entertainment, the BattleDome finals with their blood and shock and awe, “Fading Stars” with all the drama and inter-species sex and space. " Lana said. "Jason gave me a recording he made last night of one of our songs, he also made me copies of several pictures and video files friends of his, Debbie and Katrina had made with their cell phones." Was there enough light to see anything?" Don asked."Not in most, but Hannah fixed the ones that could be enhanced and strung them all together, adding our song in the background, and this it the result!" She handed John the disk. "It will probably look best if you kill all the lights in here."Ron took the hint and, going over to the light switch, turned off all the lights. The studio was in total darkness except for the computer monitor and the big screen. Nothing else could be seen. Then, John had the video playing and could hear that it was their second song of the night, "American Pie", it sounded incredibly clear for an amateur taping; Hannah had no doubt enhanced the audio as well as the incredibly clear video shorts that were being seen, sometimes interrupted by still.
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