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It was just starting to feel good too, you know? Why couldn’t they have stayed out for another half hour?” She asked with this most adorable pout I’d ever seen. I almost spoiled it all by laughing a little, but I managed to smile and pulled back a little. “Well…maybe next time we do this…we’ll be able to finish it in a way that feels good for both of us.” She whispered to me, and my heart soared, and my eyes widened. She wanted to do this again. She wanted to have sex. With me. Again. I could have started dancing in joy, but I figured I’d do that later, when I had time, and I was alone. “Yes…but for now…let’s just try to get some sleep.” I whispered, and laid back down, gently pulling her into my chest, where she snuggled up happily. I had to smile, and just watched her as she fell asleep. I don’t know how long I spent watching her, but the next thing I knew, it was 10 in the morning, and our dad was knocking on the door. Sometime during the knight, I’d fallen asleep. Ane opened her. M. "Look Mike, where are you planning on staying tonight?" I don't know but I'll be just fine. You can let me out anywhere you are stopping."Rosa looked at the boy and she felt sorry for him. She could just imagine her own son being out on the road, all alone, with no money and no place to stay. "OK, fine. Look, I am staying at a hotel just off Bearden Highway that's west of the downtown. Why not at least let me buy you dinner. I'm on a corporate expense account so it really won't cost me anything. How about it Mike?" That would be really nice Rosa, thank you."She pulled the car into the parking lot of a Waffle House restaurant and they both went inside and took a booth in the back."Order what you want Mike, don't try and save me any money, OK?" Sure Rosa and thanks again." Mike was deep in his own thoughts as he looked over the menu. This woman was going to be a push over. He was positive that she wouldn't let him sleep on the streets, no she was a too much a do-gooder for that and.
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