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Then she'd begin to smile that dirty smile of hers and say something like " why don't you stand up & take all your cloths off. Get naked for me. Walk around a little, I Love To watch it watch it swinging around. " And let me tell you, I LOVED doing it! It was FUN! I love showing my dick off anyway, especially to someone who loved looking at it. She would keep her clothes on watch my dick swinging & swelling as I'd dirty walk around & do the things she told me to. Like she'd say all kinds of nasty dirty " ok baby walk to the other side of the room, then turn around and and swinging that dick hard, side to side, up and down, I LOVE IT! Hunch your hips forward, start playing with it and start slow walking toward me,make it HARD! " I loved watching the look the pure lust on her face as she watched me stepping closer to her air fucking,stroking my dick &flopping it around for her and talking dirty myself, nothing specific, stuff like " yeah baby, look at my hard dick! You like. ' I felt my body and mind start to follow the voiced instruction. I sucked on my dummy concentrating on the image onscreen.A portion of the seat slid away from underneath my bottom and I felt something thin press against my bottom. It slowly moved in and out getting closer to my ring, gently pressing its way home and not moving too quickly. It felt slick and oily and the image onscreen changed to a penis moving up and down as if it were screwing an invisible partner.'Relax and let me in, baby. You love this. You want this. You want me.'I felt the muscles around my sphincter slowly ease as the instructions ordered and, what I guess was a dildo, slowly found its way home into me.'You like that honey. You love it, it feels so good...'The voice continued into the night, and the instructions changed. It told me how I should walk and sit, at some point I realised the straps no longer restrained me, but instead I was able to stand and sit and walk as instructed - all thoughts of escape gone,.
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