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What I mean is, their approach is old school, but their methods are pretty up to date, Sir."We batted around the research Rick and his team came up with, and I asked him to summarize it into a single sheet and circulate it to our folks, so we could discuss it in a few days. We moved on to more mundane things, but the real meat of our appointment was Russia and what might come next if we do nothing to reverse the trends.Jason was in full excitement mode, running around, taking calls, making appointments, asking questions and giving snippy answers when the occasion required it. I was beginning to really like him, but Charles was taking him back, so I carefully kept him totally in the dark about my projects.Some of the folks Rick brought in had worked so long in federal service that they were certain no intelligent life existed within the US government. Two stood out like halogen lights, in a parking lot full of incandescent bulbs. Yosef, an immigrant from Israel, brought a knife sharp. Blood flowing to your crotch and your cheeks as you realize that you were getting aroused in public. You use your bag as cover and start walking faster, away from the loving couple. At that faster pace, you make it yto your closest class in record time. You note the location and the teacher. Prof. O'Donal, a fresh out of school professor with little experience. You peek your head in to see what she looks like. You see her standing about ten feet away from the door, busy with another Professer. She is a cute red head who stands nearly half a foot shorter than you and the professor she is with. You start to pull your head from out of the door way, but then you hear a petite voice. "Oh, can I help you?", you look back to see two pairs of eyes looking your way. You think of something to say, but sadly you can't. So, you just have to wing it. "I, Uh, am just coming by to see where my classes are and to, um, meet the professors." you stammer out. Luckily, she wasn't mad or.
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