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.one night i had to go to the yard to get some invoices and when i got there the office light was on so i crept up and pulled open the door as i thought i was being my surprise lisa was sat at her desk with tears streaming down her face..i asked what was wrong and she told me that her boyfriend had dumped her because he was seeing someone else..being sympathetic as i am i told her not to worry as she was a young and also a very attractive lady...she had made the effort to dress up for him on this occasion wearing a very tight lycra dress which highlighted her figure tremendously...i couldnt help but notice how her breasts were straining against the dress and her nipples were hard as well....anyway,i stood next to her while she was sat down and put my arm around her to comfort her which seemed to help a little then i sat down on the desk in front of her and was just chatting to calm her down some more...she put her hands and her head on my knees and slowly stopped. I'd heard of cold turkey before but I'd been told it was dangerous and as often as not, killed the person undergoing it, but the way mum was then, she'd have been better off dead.I stood up slowly from the table where I'd been eating my dinner and looked at the pleading in her eyes, then I hit her,I did it right, thank God and she dropped like a stone, she hardly weighed a thing as I picked her up and walked upstairs with her in my arms.The screaming began as soon as she woke up and saw the leather straps round her wrists and ankles, I was sitting in the room's only other item of furniture, a straight backed chair."I'm going to keep you here until you can do without heroin mum" I said softly, trying as hard as I could to keep my voice normal, "It might be two weeks, it might be three, even a month but you're not coming out until you're clean" You fucking little bastard, I'm your fucking mother, untie these straps right fucking now" No mum, I want my mother back"She was in the attic.
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