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Forget to mention about me. I am on my 27, let’s say a perfect shapes of height 5.8, I do yoga 45 mins daily and aerobics 4 days in a week. Let’s come to my story. Ya me and shalini are in the chamber, I introduced myself, damn she was on her wheetish complexion. Suddenly a thought come to my mind. How does her nipple looks like. What should be the color of her nipple. I have forget that we too is having conversation. She waved her hand before me and asked me am I okay. I said I am fine. I told her to share my cubicle, coz her desk was not yet ready. That day we shared a lot families, friends, likes and dislikes, she told me that she was married and she is having two kids, I don’t believe that. She told that she was married on her 19 then moved from Calcutta to here.Oops. My heart stopped, as I too a women I can’t marry her. I don’t know why I was worried, now my shalini is blushing with me and telling that it was “Love”. I too been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years, I too had sex. “Your little friend might be doing the same thing. You have some serious work to do, Steve. We aren’t in High School any more. Relationships are very different. We’re at a point where people get very, very serious about it, and get hurt very badly when things go wrong. Not like High School where you cry a bit but then a few weeks later you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend. This is for keeps, now. And everyone knows it.”“Bethany, I need to finish college before I make any permanent decisions, and I don’t agree with you on the monogamy issue.”“Steve, what did Kara say about it when you talked?”“The same thing the rest of you are saying,” I sighed.“And who knows you better than Kara, Stephanie, Jennifer, and me?”“I’d add Anala to that list, but I see your point. And I don’t know that anybody knows me better than you.”“You have to make up your own mind, of course. But if the girls closest to you see it that way, you need to think long and hard about it. I’m curious, have any other girls.
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