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She moaned even louder.After a little more than two minutes, I began to play with her other boob with my unoccupied hand, and she started to moan so loudly, she was practically screaming. “Agh!!!!!! I’m going to cum Jake! You’re going to make me cum Jake!” she moaned.And with that, she began to convulse, and moan very loudly. She did this for about 40 seconds, and then I realised that I had made her orgasm. I was quite proud of myself. “Oh Jake! That was awesome! That’s the best orgasm I ever had! Way better than when I do it to myself! Now it’s your turn!” she said.Then she rolled me onto my back, pulled my boxers off, and started staring at my penis. “It’s so much bigger than I thought!” she said.She then proceeded to kiss the head, and then lick it. After a few more seconds’ hesitation, she put my rock hard cock into her mouth. She was an amateur, but so was I. And this felt amazing. She put almost all of it in right away. Then pulled it back out, and said, “I have no gag reflex.”. Estava na minha hora e fui aumentando o ritmo e a força das estocadas nas fabulosas nádegas da S que teve dificuldade em manter a posição. A I num movimento rápido, já livre do P, deslizou para baixo da minha mulher em posição de 69, para surpresa geral, de forma a poder lamber a S enquanto eu a penetrava, ao mesmo tempo que me acariciava o saquinho, os meus tomates. Que sensação indiscritível ao sentir a I a lamber o clitóris da S, a imaginar a visão que tinha a ver o meu pau a entrar e sair da coninha da S, e a mão dela a atacar as minhas bolinhas.Tive que abrandar de novo, enquanto a S começava a responder aos dois estímulos em simultâneo gemendo cheia de prazer e abrindo mais as pernas, buscando mais pressão da língua da outra mulher. Não era possível aguentar mais e vim-me intensamente, urrando de prazer sem que a I parasse de lamber perante a minha ejaculação. Mantive-me totalmente dentro da S sentido o leitinho a cada golfada inundá-la. A I, enquanto a S saía de cima de si.
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