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You can leave that for now, it all goes in here.” “Ok, ok!” Mary called back.How many more toys could Sandy have? She went back to the bedroom, took another deep breath of the rancid air, and filled a new washing basket with jeans and blue shirts. She carried it down to the machine in the cellar. Sandy wasn’t watching, but it felt right to take the stairs rather than the elevator anyway. Soon she was back up with a bunch of Sandy’s underwear, all fresh from the dryer. She looked at her shaking hands as she folded the panties and bras and put them in the bottom drawer. It was hard to admit to herself how much she wanted to kiss every piece. But she had resisted. It seemed like a small kind of victory. She hadn’t gone that far, at least. Even though she had lost control of her life to an unreal, fantastic change in every other way. She finished the underwear and went to the kitchen, which was a complete mess. This was Mary’s fault. Sandy had wanted lasagna, but Mary took too long to. They'll be cheap when the old contracts start changing to our new model. If we need any to bridge the gap, we could always go in and buy the trucks as part of the deal to take on their contracts. I think that when you're in Oregon, you're going to find a glimpse of the future. Dealing with the unions will be a big part of what you will need to focus on." Craig, just make sure that every contract we have, has a clause that relieves us of liability in case of weather, natural disasters or strikes. I'm trying to make the work for these guys better and more lucrative. If they want to hold out then the country will come to a stop." Have fun out there."We went back to my office where I explained to Darcy what we were trying to accomplish. As she gained a better understanding, the whole concept completely fascinated her.When I called Roy, he asked if I could come out for a meeting on Thursday afternoon. I told him I'd need to check my schedule and get back to him. So I checked in with Beth..
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