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I check it and see a picture of you in that dress curled up on our sofa. I was definitely admiring a few very fit girls but looking at your picture I know that I'd much, much, much prefer to be fucking you than any of them. Steadily I finish my workout, my heart pounding, definitely feeling testosterone coursing through my body. As I finish my final set my phone goes again and it's you, legs spread with a message: get home soon or i'll finish without you and little pouty face.I actually laugh out loud and draw a few looks even as I feel my cock throb to a semi in my loose thin shorts. Grabbing my towel I head downstairs and snatch my bag from my locker and send you a text: I'm coming, don't you dare finish my little fucktoy.I get home to you wearing that dress curled up on the sofa. I'm sweaty from the gym and I see you giggling. You know your teasing has been driving me mad. The sight of you there puts a wicked grin on my face as I walk towards you. "Get up!"As you stand I walk. I, as a man, can see the men's inner thoughts of, "Man I'd like to fuck that."We have been going to a local nightclub/pub for a few months for dancing and drinking. The people seem to get to know us and we seem to attract new friends, male and female. One night she had gotten really shitfaced drunk and but was having a great time. Let me say that when she dances she can make a guy want to fuck her, it is awesome to watch. Her hips slide and move so well to the music that you’d think she is fucking when she dances. Slow dancing always gives me a hard on that is visible when the music stops. One special night she had danced with me as well as a couple guys who asked. They all seemed aroused when the songs ended and she looked like she enjoyed arousing them. The line of men seemed to grow as the night went on. As the night went on two black guys that came to the bar, quite often came in and watched her dance. They came over to the table, introduced themselves and we all had a good time.
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