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.. and... you, Mom!" he gasped, staring directly between my carelessly parted thighs. I did incredible things to my pussy to know that my son was staring hungrily at my sopping crotch."Ohhh, Marty!", I gasped.Leaning down, I kissed him on the lips, not like a mother kissing her son, but like a woman kissing her lover. Surprisingly, Marty knew exactly what to do. He parted his soft, young lips and let my tongue enter his hot, panting mouth, slithering his own tongue past mine and into my mouth. My little boy had done this before, and he was good! I moaned with pleasure as Marty reached up and began to fondle my tits through my blouse."Take it off, Mom", he panted, pulling his mouth off mine. "Take off your top, I wanna see your tits!"As if in a daze, I did as he requested. I was a bit concerned about where all this foreplay was leading, but I knew I didn't want it to stop either."Uhhhh, yes!" I muttered "I want you to seen my tits, baby!"I took off my blouse and unhooked my bra,. In a way, it was a reaction to the cheating spouses website. Repeatedly, they had watched one partner in a marriage destroy something that was precious to the other. Seeing and hearing one spouse badmouth the other had brought home how special their marriage was and that it was worth working on in order to improve it. Intimate discussions had increased in frequency and the subject matter of their talks had gotten deeper.It was strange how even trivial conversations had changed. In the old days, she would ask him how his trip had gone when he returned home from a sales call. Now, she greeted him by telling him how much she missed him and how she had thought about him the whole time he was gone. In the old days, he would have grunted that the trip went well and dropped the matter. Now, he would tell her of some incident and how he had wished she had been there to see it. It was a minor shift in emphasis, but now they each felt a little more special after the conversation.Their sex life.
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