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Her piss runs down your face and pools behind your neck. Some runs down her own legs and coats both of your stomachs. ‘Oh that felt so great releasing that pressure,’ she says. She turns herself around and watches you, drenched, wiping your eyes and mouth clean. She smooths your now wet hair back and leans down to give you a kiss and taste her golden nectar off your lips. ‘That tasted great,’ you reply. ‘I am not sure what I like the taste of better: your pussy, your piss or your milk. I think I have to try all three again before I make up my mind.’ ‘Well these babies are aching for you,’ she says as she rolls on to her back and lifts her breasts for you. You straddle and hover over her, bend down and lovingly move her hair out of her eyes with your hand and place several roaming kisses over her lips and neck. Then your mouth goes back to her tits. You grasp each with a hand and move back and forth between swirling your tongue around the nipples and pinching them with a closed mouth.. “Count,” said the headmaster.He raised the cane up, and Sarah desperately tried to escape. She twisted her body to the side, but it was no use.“Swish!”“Aaaiiihh-…”“If you don’t count the strokes, I will be forced to start the punishment over at thirty again,” he said.Dimly, his voice seemed to be coming through to her as if he was standing a long distance away. Despite the pain she felt however, Sarah forced herself to listen to the words. As the third stroke came down, she forced herself to relax her muscles as much as possible, raising her bottom up directly into the path of the cane to prevent herself from clenching when it hit.“Swish!”“Oohhhhh-… E-…eleven!”Reaching down with his hand, the headmaster tapped his finger gently against the fig of ginger as it stuck out of her backdoor, and she groaned in turn.“There we go,” he said, “Now just nineteen more.”He raised the cane for the twelfth stroke, and Sarah felt her head starting to grow light as she once again presented her bottom.
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