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These intense waves, are they of pain or of pleasure? Both, it seems, although any roughness now would make the experience unbearable.Her lips travel to the other nipple, this time a tiny bite causing me to gasp; then I feel a tongue tracing the skin of my breasts."I shall kiss where you are marked from the crop strokes, tigger, so you shall know where they are, even though you cannot see them. The marks will fade soon, but perhaps the memories of these kisses will not?"I find my belly tightening with arousal, the pressure of the tongue making me long to be able to touch in return.Skilled hands now caress my body, first my neck, tracing where the collar ends and my skin begins. My shoulders are touched lightly, then I feel the fingers travelling down my arms. Still suspended by the chains, I realise how exposed and vulnerable my skin remains.Suddenly, there are little bites on my belly, and Haley kneels and firmly pushes my legs apart. The warmth of her mouth on my pussy causes me to. "Ooooops," she squealed, tumbling back, her legs flying wide apart.Brownie stepped toward her. Lowering his head between her outstretched legs, he nudged her cunt and chomped on her hot, oozing pussy.Christine went insane. She humped frantically, her cunt banging into the beast's muzzle, her legs high in the air, opened wide. She looked at Brownie's nose on her pussy. "Ohhhh, Brownie! Brownie!" She humped up and creamed his snout.Brownie snorted again and shook his head between her parted thighs. The taste of her pussy, her squeals, her humping body were exciting him, and he pawed the earth, shoving his hard muzzle into her cunt."Agggghhhh!" she cried out in joyous delight. She twitched, then rolled in the hay, turning, She wiggled her ass back at the pony. "Lick me, Brownie. "Ohhhhh!"His lips gently nuzzled into her ass cheeks, squiggling around between the opened halves in her hot ass crack. His saliva wet the deep crack of her ass as she rammed back against him."Lick me all over,.
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