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I was starting to shake, starting to quake, 'oh it's coming, oh, oh yeah its going to be. . . 'Suddenly, the shower curtain pulled back exposing my actions to the world. Worse my mother stood there, one hand on the curtain the other on her hip. 'Boy, whut the hell you think you do'n? she yelled, using up all the hot water you know I gotta get ready for work. Like a deer in the headlights I stood frozen in place, one hand with fingers up my bum, the other gripping a quickly shrinking phallus. It was ugly, oh it was ugly. She grabbed the towel I was going to use and twisted it and began flailing at me where I stood. I stepped back and slipped in the tub. 'Whut the hell you think your doing in here? Each word punctuated by a slap with that towel flail. It got wet as she slapped at me, and each slap was harder and more burning as she went. I got up as she continued striking me and ran from the shower to my room. She continued until I got inside and shut the door in her face. She. If you hang around 10 minutes I will have them here," I said."Sure, this is the only place that there is good coffee on this campus," he said.I sent two security officers to get Rodney and Corry and sent a text to Sarah. As the student rep she needed to be here if they requested her presence.I called Mrs. Short at HR and described her what I had found then asked the question, "Do you want me to scare the bloody hell out them and give them one last chance or are you going to send them down the road? With them having two semesters left it would be a shame not to give them another chance. I think I can do a good scare job." Bob says to scare them but this is the last time," she said.I asked if she wanted to sit in. "Hell no, I don't think I could hold a straight face," she replied.I took two envelopes and folded several sheets of paper in them and wrote Rodney on one and Corry on the other. Then I handed them to Patti and told her exactly what I wanted her to say. She was to interrupt.
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