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I have worked there and with this women for over 25 years her name we'll say is D. She was Married I was a widower losing my wife five years earlier. D was always very friendly and touchy feely but she was a little depressed for a long while and after asking what was wrong at least a dozen time she finally told me one day in the parking lot. She said her husband was totally ignoring her after their daughter left for college and they work different shifts she was lonely. I told her if she wanted she could call me anytime if she wanted to talk and if she wanted to go to the diner after work I would go I didn't like to eat alone anyway. Then after a few months of this I got a call D car won't start she at the the Park she would go there to smoker her. That’s just the way my mind works.) ‘It’s a Mnemonic device,’ I droned on, ‘An imaginary construct where you can keep memories. It helps you organise your thoughts.’ the wording was deliberate. Phonetic repetition is an effective technique in hypnosis. ‘How does it work?’ she wondered fascinated. ‘Lean back, and close your eyes,’ I instructed, but she balked suspiciously, ‘I’ll help you make one.’ ‘Don’t try anything,,’ she warned me. ‘I wouldn’t dream of it,’ I lied, and nodded with a slow blink. The dream suggestion, and visual cues would work much better than saying something suspicious like, ‘You are getting sleepy, Verry Sleeeepy.’ She relented, and closed her eves, but refused to relax. Her forgotten boyfriend stopped rubbing until I waved him on. ‘Now,’ I returned to her, ‘Visualize a room. it’s empty now, but we can come back later to decorate. There’s a door on the wall there, with the Pi symbol on it, open it, and look inside.’ ‘Okay…’ she said sceptically. ‘Pi is.
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