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I put my briefcase down next to the couch and dropped my coat on top of it. Christine was sitting at the table looking at me. Maureen got up from behind her desk and walked over to me, put her arms around my neck and kissed me, in front of Christine. I resisted momentarily, but she was not having any of that, and redoubled her efforts. Fine, I thought, as I gave back as good as I got, drawing a sigh of pleasure from Maureen. I heard Christine stand up and walk over to us. I felt her place a hand on my back and slide it down over my ass. She crossed over and slid it back up again. Maureen broke the kiss, which left both of us a little breathless."Christine, I would like you to meet Gary," Maureen said, still holding on to me. "Gary, this is Christine," she continued. I looked at Christine. Her eyes were wide and a little glazed, her breath was coming a little irregularly and her nipples were extended and thick. She had taken her glasses off."Hello Christine," I said, putting a hand on. She could feel his cock pulsating against her tongue. When she tasted pre-cum seeping from the tip, she pulled away. She wanted to tease him just a bit. Holding his cock out of the way, Jamie moved to suck and lick at his balls. She gently sucked them between her lips, one at a time.As Jamie was paying attention to Jason's cock, Beth straddled over his head and lowered her pussy to his mouth. Her hands gripped the top of the headboard to steady herself. Jason lifted his head slightly and was able to slide his tongue along his niece's labia. His hands were holding her ass. The taste and scent of her caused his already hard cock to stiffen even more.Jamie moved up to straddle over Jason's cock. With one hand on the shaft, she rubbed the tip up and down her slit and against her clit. Her wetness was glistening on the head of his cock. Even though she loved the feeling of it sliding between her lips, she really needed him inside her. She raised herself slightly to position him at her.
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