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It was chemically induced, but that didn't seem so bad. The tensions and frustrations of the whole morning would be soon erased. There was nothing like a good climax to push all of those away.His name was Julian, and he was blonde and beardless, looking almost asexual, until you saw his dick. Especially when it was up in the 'ready to use' position. They were on a blanket on the lawn next to the pool, and Julie licked its head a couple of times before guiding it to her core."God, you're tight," he muttered as he pressed forward."I'm fucking someone with a log," she replied. He was big, and long. For a moment she had doubts if she could take him, but he took his time and kept pulling back to collect more moisture from her channel. Eventually he pressed in far enough she felt his balls on her bottom.From there it was the same old routine. He pounded it into her, stretching and opening her all of the way up. She rode up on him, trying to pull him deeper. He showered her with kisses,. . you know... low-key. Nothing like this ever happened." Did you and the other guys flash your arses at each other 'til you both got hard?" No," he said, grabbing my by the hips and shuffling up behind me until I could feel the rubber-clad tip of his organ nuzzling between the cheeks of my bum. For a first-timer, he was impressively accurate in estimating how far down my arse-crack would serve as the best point for entry."Well, there you go, then," I ventured. "There has to be a few... you know... preliminaries. It doesn't just happen on its own."He nodded and I felt his breath against my shoulder blades as his cock was eased through my bum-cheeks and the teat of the condom pressed gently against my splayed hole."I'll keep that in mind in future, then," he said. "I'm always up for a fuck, me!"I smiled, anticipating awkward situations he'd get himself into during future room shares, and bent further forwards on the bed so that I was better positioned to receive him. This was the part I.
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