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Their large black emotionless eyes peered at a view screen, their pale skin glistened with clear ichor. "The anal probes are collecting less and less useful data." Yes, but we must complete the mission, only two more are required, besides, I am quite enjoying anal probing the backward inhabitants of this planet, except for that black caped one last night, he became conscious in the middle of the procedure and put up a terrible fuss, I had to stun him twice to settle him down."A tone sounded, "Scanners have found a candidate for our probe"The view screen showed an unmarked delivery truck on a lonely section of road."Excellent! There are two inhabitants in the vehicle, we will fulfill our mission requirement and return home tonight with enough data to prepare for our invasion." Scans indicate that the occupants are two females." Bah! I will never understand how inferior females can be capable of operating complex machinery, let alone have a say in their society." You must remember. Definitely true for a certain segment of the population.”“Mmmhmmm. Naughty bottoms and submissive sluts like you.”He resumed his browsing, maneuvering through long lists of movies and TV series until he found something that looked appealing. “How bout this? Wanna watch?”When no answer came, he looked to his right and found Bayonetta gazing into the distance. She was lost in thought.“Helllloooooo? Earth to Cereza!”“Hmmm? Oh, yeah, that's fine. Play that.”“Everything ok?”“Yeah... just a little distracted. I shouldn't worry about it until tomorrow, but my mind keeps wandering to what I'm going to say.”“To the coven, you mean?”“Yep. After what went down, a statement is definitely needed.”* * * * *CerezaOnTop: Hey kiddo, you busy?RoxTheCasbah: Never too busy for you! What up, B?CerezaOnTop: There was a bit of an incident yesterday. You may have heard.RoxTheCasbah: HAH! That's putting it mildly! Everyone who went with Alexia has been really tight-lipped and touchy since getting back. What.
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