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When we broke, her eyes definitely held a new light. "Oh, we must practice that again sometime." You think so?" I've wondered what it might be like... with you." You really feel that way?" Only since Pitlochry," she laughed. Then she reached up to place her hand on my face. “You’ve driven all my past away.”Her touch was electrical, and I knew it was me who held all the reticence. "Linda, my mind is too full of the pain others have inflicted on you. How long is it before you are medically clear?" Only a few days." So let's keep it right."Reluctantly, Linda agreed, and for the next few evenings we sat arm in arm on the sofa, occasional kisses were allowed, as we watched the television.On the evening of the day her final check-up was due, I arrived home, and she gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek. Over our meal, I asked her how the medical had gone, and all she said was, "Fine."Rather cool, I thought, especially when she added, "You go get your shower, you usually do that before. At breakfast, Donna did her best to march in and give me my morning kiss. She compensated for Carol's absence by kissing both cheeks.Once we were all settled down, Mom led the discussion, "Mark, I'll call the hospital to see about getting your cast removed as soon as possible. Your school has already agreed to pick up the medical bills so I'm not worried about unnecessary expenses if the hospital needs more X-rays to consider taking it off early. -- "On the topic of the school, there's nothing definite to report about the settlement yet, but we're probably only about a week or two away from concluding it. I could do it faster, but I like making them sweat. You should be seeing some anti-bullying programs starting at school soon too." (Mom and Dad had a lawyer, and they were collectively negotiating with the Principal and the Corvallis Board of Education over an out-of-court settlement for the school having trained the gang of thugs who kept beating me up.)I just said, "Good..
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