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She said that it had excited me and therefore it had excited her too.Alice said they had been too tired to do anything but that Adam had asked her to fuck his poker buddies whenever the game was at their house. She said that she would and that she would serve them beer and sandwiches in the nude too, that is if she could get rid of the kids first.Pricilla said that her husband wanted her to fuck his bowling team whenever they beat their opponents. She told him that she would and that if he could get her one of the bowling pins that she would try to slip it into her pussy and give them a real show.That day we guys paced ourselves. About every hour one of us guys would take the three girls outside and fuck them until we cum in one of them. By each of us doing it every three hours we were able to make it through the day much better. That day I made sure to cum in each of my sister-in-laws twice. My wife didn’t care because my brother-in-laws were filling her holes up for me.Within a. She was about five-seven; her dark, almost black hair was in some kind of bob cut that gave her a Louise Brooks look. Her body was still trim, but I had noticed some nice curves on her. Today she was wearing a short-sleeved, off-white dress with some green and red squiggles across it. It was a bit on the short side. To finish it off, she had dark stockings and moderately high-heeled black shoes. I wondered if she ever looked that way at work.As we stood there, she asked, “Would you like a wine spritzer? Red or white, or rosé ?”I went with the red. She came out of the kitchen with our drinks in water glasses. Now, where would we have these? She told me, “Let’s have this in my room.”That was the moment I realized what I was doing, which was walking into whatever set-up she had planned for me. I knew I was doing the wrong thing, but I didn’t stop myself.Her room was larger than Lenore’s, but it also was at the back of the building. She sat down on the edge of the bed and I found a chair.
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