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The door was open and he called me in. He was reading some book. I kept the water on side table. He again said good night. I came near the door and asked if I can switch off the light. He told me to switch off the light while going back. I switched lights off keeping only a night lamp on. I closed the door, ran back to the cot and hugged him. He kept his arm on me I was on the cot hugging Shashidhar. There was so much heat in the embrace that I started to melt. As I raised my head, his lips sealed mine; his mouth melted in mine, his heat dissolved me, and our tongues twisted and danced kindling an inferno in both bodies.Our kisses were never ending, and we never wanted it to end. I tore open his nightdress and I slipped my nightgown. Shashidhar flipped the hook of my bra and my boobs popped out and reached his waiting hands. His hands were as big as lotus leaves but still could hardly cup half of my full boobs. Slowly I pushed left nipple in his open mouth, which he suckled with. I think a big part of that has to do with the proximity to Valentine’s Day. I know she was out with her husband for a nice romantic dinner tonight, but yesterday evening I watched his wife in heat with another man.This guy was older and seemed more experienced than the two other guys she’d been with. He took it slow from the beginning, undressing her piece by piece, and savouring her nakedness. She wearing sexy lingerie, and when I asked she told me it was stuff she’d bought for tomorrow. So to watch a man who wasn’t her husband peel it off her was exceptionally delightful. Free of clothes, the man set her down on the bed and began to eat her out. Before long he had her squirming, but when he got her close to the brink he pulled away and used his fingers to gently play with her, keeping her on the edge. He was slow and deliberate with his touching, and with her legs spread open for him, I had a great view as he toyed with her clit, and once again I took a moment to savour the fact.
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