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My hand motions were fever-pitched on the shaft of my dong as I arched my head back, groaning quietly.My ejaculation took my whole being, my hand stroking my prick lightning-quick, as my first rope of semen took flight. It rocketed forth from my penis, a thick strand that landed on my chest and neck, the next loosing itself all over my stomach and bicep."Holy shit!" breathed Marion in amazement. My remaining spurts spewed forth into a widening pool of milky white on my belly, as I shuddered and shook. I hissed in breath as my incredible, hot orgasm slowly drained away. I opened my eyes to grin at Marion, who looked like a ten-year-old girl who had just gotten a pony for Christmas. "Oh my God, I've never seen a guy shoot like that!"I just chuckled again. "Well, if you even want to see that again, just ask me!" She grinned back at me. "I seem to have made a bit of a mess here. I'm gonna go get cleaned up." Don't worry about that! Sit back, Tom. I've got this," she said. She retrieved. “That is one truly evil bit of work from the look and feel of it. I’ll get my bag of trinkets and store it in there for now. It’ll shield us from the effects of the dark energy it’s giving off. At least I hope it will.” She left the room, not touching one of the objects of tonight’s trouble.Andrew looked around, not seeing what he was looking for, he staggered towards the door. “Hold it, Andrew,” said Wendel. “You’re too weak from the poison to be running around outside.”“Sword,” whispered Andrew in a horse and pained voice. “Need sword from the yard.” He staggered again as he tried to go outside.Lann frowned now. “You dropped it as I tossed you in the trough, so it’s in the corral.” He took Andrew by the arms and half carried, half dragged his son to the gate. He could see the sword next to the trough in the mud, but the mud had a sickly red glow in it, very faint, but visible in the darkness. “Damn, the corral has been poisoned.” He turned and yelled back at the family, “Everybody.
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