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I smiled at her and said, it’s fed by your pussy juice, see still my cock want to go deep and drink your juice, I love you Charmy.I took her to my top, she came to me and hugged me and kiss on me, and she came down and started to suck my cock, I know Kiran cant view that, he can only see her ass, but he know what she is doing, then I hold her tied up hair and made her to suck me deep, she suck me deep even she took my balls and sucking on her mouth, now my cock is saluting to Charmy for a march pass. I made her to sit on the table where the cam is hided and I stand and insert the cock in her pussy she wide her legs for me, I know Kiran is on dark, can’t make it what is happening, then I took Charmy in my hand she locked her hands on my neck and she get grip, I hold her tight and hold her bumps and fucking her pussy, she is locked on my cock, I think know Kiran get the view of us.I am riding her pussy then I took her to the dressing table. Only little space is there to sit, she. “As I told Angel before, governments are not to be trusted ... ever! If one feels that its sovereignty has been challenged, I wouldn’t be surprised if they took a shot at the ship in their airspace.”“Mick, we have the ability to travel at faster than the speed of light. If our shields can stand hitting anything at that speed, it can handle any weapon an Earth power can shoot at us.”“Thank you Ship. I was sure that was the case, but I wanted to be sure. Do Angel and I have to do anything to help you?”“No Mick.”“Angel, I think my work here is done for the time being. I would like to go for a walk around the farm. I need to smell the air.”“It’s raining.”“Then I need my rain gear first.”“Can I come along?”“I would love to have my wife with me. There aren’t going to be any sudden bolts of lightning are there?”“Not that I know of lover. Not that I know of.”We dressed for the weather and walked hand in hand out into the rain. The air smelled clean and fresh. I had been in the ship for three.
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