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"I'm sure you'll have more chances tomorrow, even if your phone did swipe for you."My hand was shaking and I couldn't find the words. I stared at my screen."Dude, what's going on?" he asked again."It's...Hai" my voice dried up. "It's Hailey." I finally worked the words out. "Hailey?!" he responded in a shock and darted over towards me. "Holy shit..." he said, as he got close enough to see the screen. My finger tentatively scrolled down the profile. "Looking for...I don't know," I read aloud. "Travel mode..." Travel mode" Neil echoed. "She'" I questioned. My settings had things limited to 20 miles. It said she was five miles away. I sat there and thought for a while, occasionally scrolling up and down her profile, looking for any details. One of them was her in her cheer outfit. "Oh for the love of..." I said suddenly. "That's right, we play fucking A&M tomorrow. They must have brought the cheer squad." One thing I had always regretted in high school was not playing enough. Then slid my hand under my boxers and slowly moved the skin on my shaft over my circumsized cock-head. I let out a moan in my fantasy which made her grab and squeeze my dick hard which made me squeel in pleasure. She started to pump me as she licked my neck and slid her tongue on my neck, striking a steep and loud moan from me and I had told her I was going to explode which only made her pump me faster and faster. Then I slowly drifted to sleep.After a few hours I woke up to my mother telling me dinner was ready. I looked at my phone and I had a text reading: Andrew, I can't believe you tried to kiss me, I don't know if I will be able to see you anymore... -Brooke. I threw my phone down and stomped downstairs heated as ever and eat my food as if I was a prisoner.__________________________________________________________ After two months, I still had been thinking about her, with only one month of summer left, I was running out of time to see her before school started, I had to.
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