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After a while conversation had died so I was about to make an excuse and leave when he turned to me and asked if I’d like to see it out of his shorts. Nerves suddenly gripped me. He said I’d been looking at it all through our chat so I must want a closer look (not as discreet as I had thought!). What could I say, I’d been sort of hoping to be in this position, but he was a stranger, Christ, but I wanted some cock.‘Sure’ I said, as calmly as I could muster. He grinned and said the field would be better, not quite in full view of boats and walkers. The field had a derelict building in it that had once, maybe, been a small barn. He stood behind one of the crumbling walls and dropped his shorts; he didn’t wear pants so his prick was there in all its glory for me to see. I’d only ever seen porn black cock and this was nowhere as big as some of those monsters I’d watched. That said, it was still seven inches with what looked like a big head under the foreskin. I. It keeps the sensation going. So I sat down carefully on the usual hard chair. I was glad to see Rayanne in the restaurant; she gave us both a wide smile and her lingering glance made me glad I'd made an effort. 'So sorry you're leaving us today,' she said. 'I hope this will be the first of many visits.''It's been a fantastic experience, Rayanne,' I said. 'But we'll need to save up for quite a while before we can come back. Or one of us will need to get a new job.'She looked genuinely sad when I said that, and was quiet for the rest of the meal. I watched her trim form as she weaved between the tables and felt a pang of disappointment too. I would have loved to have spent more time with her, exploring our mutual passions. Amongst other things.Back in our room, we packed in silence. When I zipped the case shut I turned to Jeff. 'I wish we could afford a visit here sometime soon. Maybe if you got a promotion?' Jeff snorted. 'Fat chance. You're in a better position than me. Maybe we.
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