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They agreed to spend the evening with friends in the country of Sergei, who was about thirty kilometers from the city on the shore of a beautiful lake.-Hi Sergei.-Hey angel, - Sergey kissed Angela in bright, sparkling in the sun lips.Well go? Where is your flight? - Smiling girl asked.A parked out front of the store, by the way you do not need anything special?-No, - Angela thoughtfully shrugged - I have all along.Sergei meanings smiled back and they went to his black BMW. Sergei as a true gentleman helped her open the door, though it was not difficult.-You have a cool car - Angela said about a newly purchased car.Thank you, - said Sergey smile - Turn the air conditioner?Yes, yes it would be just awesome girl said - leaning back in a comfortable leather chair brand new BMW.Soon enough they left the city, during which time the car was cool enough to have what Angela went crawl.-And you, what is the "cold", - said Sergey and the cruise control button and reached for the air. With that, they began to walk up the stairs and Tom's newly acquired hormones began to kick in as Lori's new physique became extremely appealing. When they reached the top of the steps, Tom stopped Lori and asked her if she'd like to explore her new male body. She had also had similar feelings so they both entered a nearby broom closet. The smell of Tom/Dawn's perfume was still very strong and Lori was also beginning to be enticed by the "Opposite sex". Lori's male urges now taking control of her began to french kiss Tom/Dawn with true desire. Tom quickly removed her black suede flats as Lori/Alan removed her skirt and pantyhose. Tom gently stroked Lori's penis as he felt Tom/Dawn's curvy ass. Totally consumed by her new male persona, Lori/Alan ripped Tom/Dawn's silk blouse off and sucked her tits profusely with much enjoyment. Tom, being careful not to break a nail, un buttoned Lori's jeans and helped this new hunk off with his clothes. Lori then took her erect penis and stuck it in.
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