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I invited her in and turned up the heat so she could get warm. I could now see her real beauty, she was a stunning brunette with gorgeous brown eyes, she wore a very low cut top and had quite large breasts and had a skirt so short her stocking tops and panties were clearly on view.She asked how I knew she was not a hooker, I said that they don't dress like that anymore,and that if she had been wearing a sloppy top and jeans and had been smoking she might have fooled me.I still had my laptop on and it was still on the Lush pages, she saw this and commented that she also read this site and had submitted stories. I was in the middle of a great gang bang tale which was why I was erect. Suddenly she noticed my cock and commented on how turned on I was reading the story. She then moved closer towards me and started reading.I then felt her hand stray onto my cock and rub it through my boxers as we finished one story and moved onto another. She was obviously as turned on as I and soon slipped. -No es que que no me de gusto verte,pero que haces aqu??--Todo fue idea de Julia, le dije que esta semana venia a Miami portrabajo y me pidi? que adelantara mi mando por paquetera unacopia de la llave del departamento... para darte una sorpresa y salirfestejar desde hoy tu cumples a?os (que es ma?ana).--Y por eso insisti? tanto en que sali?ramos de compras?--Si,ella te iba a llevar a comprar un vestido para esta noche, yollegar?a mientras ustedes andaban de compras para colgar los adornos ysorprenderte...pero mi vuelo se retraso y ya vi en las noticias lo quepaso con "Yulia"...mmm creo que hoy nada ha salido bien --No te pongas as? , claro que me sorprendiste!.Aun es temprano, dejatrato de localizar a Julia para poder ir a cenar y luego vamos a alg?nclub nocturno --Y...Carlos nos va a acompa?ar?--No, hoy y ma?ana se va a presentar en Dallas Texas y creo que nos vamosa ver hasta el domingo o Lunes -Dijo Danny sin mucha preocupaci?n niinter?s, lo cual se le hizo extra?o a.
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