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Did she jump from the bedroom window? It was pavement below and she'd have certainly hurt herself, or worse. In the meantime, the former boyfriend was exhibiting irrational behaviour and went stomping through the apartment looking for her.I was getting very frightened. Frightened that Rita would be taken against her will, or worse, harmed by this drunken thug. Trying to intervene physically would only get me beaten to a pulp and still not prevent him from taking her. I needed to do something, however. At last my brain kicked in and I grabbed the portable phone and dialled 911."Home invasion," I gasped at the sound of the operator. "Violent man attempting to take a woman against her will. Apartment 323, 1844 Harbour. Hurry please. He's still in the apartment."I put the phone down, but left the connection open. With any luck, the operator might hear screams from Rita, although aside from the crashing and banging that our visitor was making, I heard no sound from Rita."Where are you,. After I came up for air she grabbed my prick letting me know what she wanted. We locked lips once more and we were down on the floor clawing and grabbing like wild a****ls in heat. She was on her back while she took my shirt off and unbuckled my belt. I took off her tank top and unbuttoned her shorts. I pulled them off along with her sandals getting tangled up in them. With my pants completely off my prick dug in deep in her pussy and I was hammering her good and her screaming and moaning was music to my ears. Her soft slender legs wound tight around my waist keeping me pinned down. In my ear she told me to eat her pussy like immediately. She wanted me in a big way and I couldn't refuse her. She was a hungry tigress and I was the meat she craved. With her legs still around my waist I carried her to the kitchen and planted her ass on the.
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