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Marissa panted to catch her breath for a minute before I simply leaned down and carried her up into my arms, letting her rest her head against my shoulder like a small child. And I carried her into the bathroom so we could relax with a nice shower.***I got my degree and graduated. Mrs. Robinson set us up with some office space and a manufacturing plant just twenty minutes from the school, so Marissa and I were able to remain a dating couple into her Senior year."Red" body spray had first been introduced as just a copycat to the Axe and Tag product lines, albeit a much more expensive version. But after the first few months, rumors on the Net and at various clubs began to spread that the product really worked as advertised. Guys were picking it up left and right to enhance their fishing expeditions. Girls even started buying it just to amp their own arousal levels whenever they felt the urge.But we got our biggest boost when a women's rights group made a bunch of noise trying to get the. I tried to wriggle free but the strap around my wrist were too tight ,he stopped and turned me around and settled me gently against the tree ,opening my legs again he duly went back to where he was before,only this time with first slapping my arse he pushed his fingers right into my arse,it took my breath made my pussy spill juices down the inside of my thighs.he started to lick it off my legs and straight back up the with his tongue between my arse and pussy,pulling my cheeks apart with his hands.He stood up ,i could hear his zip being undone,i tried to turn my head to look but he told me to face away,my legs were getting weaker as my pussy got wetter.I felt his naked body push against mine ,the warmth of his skin on my back was fantastic,i moaned to myself as i felt his stiff throbing cock touching my arse.His arm came around my waist and he tried folding me in half,so had to undo the strap to i could put my hands against the tree,he grabbed my hair in a pony tail slightly.
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