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I felt her clit in my mouth, it was the biggest clit I had ever seen. I just sucked it and sucked it and she came moments later warning me to stay clear as a jet of liquid squirted from her pussy. It splashed over my chest. Frank pulled his cock out of Ruth’s cunt and placed it against Ruth’s anus, slowly it disappeared, swallowed up completely. His cock was like a rod of wood as he pulled it in and out, then he pulled her sideways to end up so that she was on sitting top of him. He reached up with both hands and grasped her tits pulling her backwards over his chest. Madge and I could see Franks cock in Ruth’s anus. Madge went and bent down and started eating Ruth’s pussy and clit. Within seconds, Ruth was screaming as she came and then came again. I pushed Madge aside and carefully aimed my hard cock where Madge had had her tongue moments before. My cock slid in, I could feel the tightness once inside as I could feel Frank’s cock up her anus.I could feel myself coming as Ruth came. Clark talked about our climb to the summit of scouting, the Eagle rank. He described the metaphorical peaceful meadow we reached when we attained the First Class Rank at our second summer camp. They showed slides of me and my friends goofing around at the lake at the scout camp on my twelfth birthday.Mr. Clark talked about us continuing to climb towards the Eagle summit. Slides of my friends and me hiking with younger scouts on a hike a couple years ago appeared on the screen. Mr. Clark continued, describing how the trail to Eagle got steep. He showed the four of us on a rock climbing trip last year.Mr. Clark said, "And now, that you are standing at the summit of the trail, in the glory of sunshine and wind and cloud at the threshold of your goal, WE, your Fellow Eagles applaud you and welcome you, for you have done your climbing in a true Scout-like manner." The slides showed us with younger scouts watching the eagles soar above the Pinnacle overlooking the Susquehanna River.Mr..
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