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A little bit more exploring and he found a tight little scrotum with a pair of tiny balls.He began to get even more aroused. He took his hand away while she continued to pee. She finished and stood up. The knickers were soaked and as she turned around to face him, John could see a small erection sticking out, almost fully visible through the soaked cotton fabric of the knickers.“Okay. So now my secret is out. I’m not female. What do you think? Are you completely put off?“No. Just confused. I nearly came just then when I felt you.”“Don’t do that. Not yet. We have plenty more to do.”As she faced John and pulled the knickers down, he saw what he had been feeling. Sticking straight out in front of her was a small hard prick, only about three inches long. Below it, as John had suspected, was a tiny pair of balls which the tight scrotum held close to her prick. There was no pubic hair. John was fascinated.“So. What do you think?” she said as she pulled the towel and other stuff from the. In his relief he is probably just trying to make up for lost time.Though she told herself this, Nira's instincts led her to believe there was more going on. Kitad's behavior seemed a little off lately, secretive even. After he collapsed at the gathering following Sedon's calling ceremony it appeared to her that something significant passed between Sala and himself, like they were communicating ... About what, she did not know.The Lead Flintknapper decided he would speak to Sala and Jakal about his concerns and suggest that they bring Nira into the fold. While concealing things from his mate did make him uncomfortable, he also was convinced she could contribute to the cause. As the person newly in charge of the Clan's communal food supply, she interacted with everyone. If any individual was in the position to be the eyes and ears of their group, it was she.Racing down the hill, Jakal caught sight of the group of women just before they disappeared amongst the trees."Sala!" he called..
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