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It was very cool even in this hot sun. The water was same level at all the places I drenched up to my waist. It was a wonderful feeling for me I moved here and there because I did not know swimming.I have noticed two flagging rocks on the floor of the tank in the middle and I stood on that. Now I came little up, even my cock is in water only. suddenly I felt some thing is biting my cock, I saw some small 3-4 fishes were coming slowly biting my cock and going away. I stood making no movement, then one big fish about 6-7 inches is slowly coming near to my cock and staring my cock for some time and bite, immediately I felt some horny sensation and my cock started raise, the fish is watching my cock to raise and my cock stood like a pole, and then again the fish has come and bite my cock heavily and same time small fishes were biting my balls, I was frisking my self with joy. The same thing continues for 2-3 minutes that fishes are biting my cock and balls and I was jumping there with. She took her dressing gown off and stood naked, revealing her shaved crotch crotch unashamedly, thrusting her hips forward in an aggressive pose, 'This guy likes them really young and kinky'.My eyebrows raised in facial curiosity, her statement, even to me, seemed incongruous, really young and kinky, simply did not equate.'Perception M', she said, matter of factually, 'they want to understand us, and how we think', she continued unabated, 'I give them the absurd and they pay handsomely'.The more she rambled on the clearer her strategy, she got kinky and she got money, 'So what do you want me to do'?I was in it whether or not, there was a little apprehension but what happened next, at first shocked me to my core, then as if by some miracle, I did it.'I am going to do some oral and have some pussy licking, I need you to shoot with the camera'.Live sex, 'Wow', I thought, my own pussy suddenly came to life, cock and fucking, I wouldn't say no if asked.I smiled, 'You naughty bitch M', she.
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