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Cuando tenia 15 o 16 años, recuerdo en una fiesta familiar, llevaba yo un vestido muy corot y muy sexy, mis familiares ya me conocen y no dicen nada, peor ahí habia otros invitados, y fui el iman de muchos hombres y chicos, y ancianos, que no me quitaban la vista de encima: a mis muslos, a mis senos descubiertos generosamente por mi gran y generoso escote, mi carita, etc; se acerco mi sobrina y me decia.“Tia elvi, ya viste como los traes? Mira aquellos nomas sonriendose y viendote, estan apostando quien te invita a bailar primero”. Y asi seguia divertida diciendo y viendo como me echaban los perros y me deseaban otros chicos;y me dijo “bueno tia, y mi tio Uli no se enoja que salgas asi, que te miren asi estos hombres, como perros en celo?” y mi respuesta fue “no hija, al contrario, le gusta que otros me deseen, sentirse dueño de una mujer asi le causa orgullo, y luego cuando quedamos solitos, los dos nos onemos muy cariñosos pensando en todos estos que me vieron”, y contesto ella,. I was not mobile so I told myself that the distance permitted me to either take an autorick or go by public bus.One evening over dinner I announced to my husband my plan and he obviously had nothing to add so it was silently approved. He knew by now I was headstrong and luckily let me have my way. Having kept a nanny for my daughter so that could be free for a couple of hours in the afternoon/evening I started going to the library from the next day itself. Going there was quite a feeling. It felt I was entering a different world. Looking and hearing boys and girls talk and laugh and dress made me feel weird. Times had changed. I was not too old 32 and after my daughters birth had managed to come back in shape. Though I didn’t exactly have a hourglass figure but I was 5 ft 4 with a figure that could still turn a few heads. Catching a young guy look had me made my heart skip a beat. Sex had been long confined to the dustbin as my husband did not have any time and my daughter hogged.
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