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Watching Joe's face, Jamie slowly pulled the bustier down, popping her small breasts up over the top. Joe's cock twitched. He had to be in agony. She'd come three times and he still hadn't been touched. Jamie rubbed her palms over her tits and then pinched her nipples with her fingers. "Touch yourself. I want you to wrap your hand around your cock. But don't cum. You can't cum yet." Joe watched his beautiful little wife rub her fingers over her nipples, her pussy still glistening with her juices. He wrapped his hand around his cock and tried to think of something other than how much he wanted to cum. How much he wanted to sink his rock deep inside his wife's tight pussy and fuck her until she begged him to stop. No, he tried not to think about all that. He watched Jamie play with her tits, squeezing and twisting her nipples. He'd never watched her play with her body before. Not like this. Jamie smiled and thought about what she wanted next. She was beginning to really like this. I struggled to maintain my gaze at my sister in law's picture because I wanted to watch my cumshot. It was intense, and it reminded me of why I like to jack off so much.After I was done ejaculating, I sat back and relaxed. I let my cell phone continue recording as the semen slowly dripped down my balls and on to the towel, and I watched my penis get soft. A few minutes later, I turned off the recording and cleaned up. It was an amazing masturbation session.I got dressed for work and went out the door to my car. My heart dropped to the ground as I saw a car in my driveway that wasn't mine. It looked like my other sister in law's car. With the morning dew it obviously had been there over night. I know that occasionally that other sister in law (if she has had a few drinks) would spend the night on a couch in another room and leave the next morning. I started to panic because when she spends the night, she sleeps on the couch in the family room; the room directly next to the room where.
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