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It was massive, thick and throbbing. "Suck that fat cock" Sim said. I licked a drop of precum that had formed on his tip. It tasted sweet and delicious, sticky and thick. My own cock throbbed as I continued to lick up and own his long, thick shaft. Sim grabbed myself at the base and squeezed his manhood hard. Another thick drop of clear precum leaked out the tip and he offered it to me asaying "lick that cum, baby." His words seemed strange to me but I licked his tip anyways and tasted more of his sweet juice. I wanted more and ran my tongue around and around his cock head, feeling every ridge, vein and bump. I then took him in my mouth as my lust for cock took over. I took his cock as deep into my mouth as I could and felt it hit the back of my throat. Sim said, "yeah, suck that dick" His instructions spurred me on and sucked him harder and faster and tried to take even more of him in my mouth. I even reached up and grabbed his bare ass, moving his hips in unison with my mouth,. Ollie stood back up and looked down on the old mans softening cock and his own boner had now subsided and was happy that he had been able to fix Rogers muscle before he had to return home for his supper, the thanked the old man for being his playmate and Roger told him that he was welcome anytime he wanted a kick about, Roger never let on why his mother was so happy today After Ollie left Roger decided to go for a shower with a big smile on his face as he had a good day with both Sam and her son, shame that Ella was busy but he knew he would have plenty of opportunities in the future. He decided to put on his ‘new’ silk robe as he so loved the feel of it on his body and checked out his new profile and was amazed at the comments her had received from his new uploaded pictures and also that he had a number of friend requests, it appeared that his ‘interests’ were more popular than he had first imagined.Roger sat there looking at the pictures of him and Sam and hadn’t realised that a.
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