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A couple of guys came up to me and attempted to pick me up but I wasn't really interested. About a half hour later a larger guy, mid forties in a leather jacket, shirt, pants, boots and tie (yes he had a leather tie). Showed up at the bar. I eyed him for a second but he was pushing close to 300lbs and I really wasn't interested in trying that because I figured he would never be able to turn me on. So before I called the night a wash I went outside for a cigarette with my beer. The leather clad gentleman followed me out. He came up to me as I lit my cigarette. He commented on how we were the only guys in "gear" at the bar. He asked if he could feel my jumpsuit and ran his arm down my chest and stopped just before my crotch. "Sexy" he told me. He introduced himself and started talking immediately, very calming, very friendly, not over the top gay just comfortably normal. I asked him if he came out to smoke and he told me he had actually come out just to talk to me. I had caught his eye. Time passed like nothing and we were advised to take dinner on a dhaba, we both have dinner together, till that time we became very close and chatting personal matters at that moment I thought it won’t be tough to seduce her, but still I was afraid to do so, around 8 pm our journey started again, after a while she told me that she wants to sit @ window side and we both stood up to swap the seats, she ordered me to come out while she was not going out of her seat and giving me the way to do so, that was an opportunity for me and I started moving out facing towards her face, suddenly I pretend that I am about to fall on her and put my hand on her shoulder (as she was also standing which was not needed ) and started moving , her body parts were touching mine and I started taking deep breath, my nose was almost touching her fore head and lower part of my chest was touching her warm ,soft and huge boobs and my tool was tingling and scintillatingly touched her thighs and within a second it.
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