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That Friday, he’d managed to get in by 6:15. Emma was very disappointed that he’d conked out not a half hour after they’d finished dinner. It had been well over a week since they’d made love, and with Peter going out to play golf with some of his fellow employees the following morning, he’d gone right up to bed. She’d watched TV until 10:00 and then come up to bed to read for a bit. Emma had barely gotten on the long tee-shirt she slept in when she heard it: sounds in Derek’s bedroom. He had a female visitor. Getting into bed, she propped up her pillow and grabbed her book from the night table. Peter was turned away on his side, snoring softly. Since it was a coolish night, Emma hadn’t turned on the air conditioning and the sliding door to the balcony was open. Derek and his guest moved onto his side of the balcony. Figuring their talking might disturb Peter, Emma got up and padded across the room to shut the door. Reaching out for the handle, she froze. They were kissing. After a. I got it down to the bottom of back and touched the top of her nickers. I dragged my hands up along the sides of her and felt the curvature of her body. I have to admit that what I felt was nice. I dragged my hands down along her sides to “ensure” that I spread the lotion well. As I did she jumped a little. I knew she was very ticklish. “Did that tickle?” I teased her. “Stop!” She responded with a voice that tried to be angry.I knew she wasn’t really mad, but just hated to be tickled. I then grabbed her on her sides with my hands doing a tickling motion. She was shocked and tried to stop me. She pushed my hands of her sides with HER HANDS. Everything happened so quickly that I almost didn’t realize that her bra was now laying on the floor. Even though she still faced the back to me. I’m not gonna lie, I saw some boob. Only really the side of one but it was enough to make my dick to grow a little. Not noticeable, but I could definitely feel it waking up. She quickly grabbed her bra.
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