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“I want it baby,” she said. I thought of all the times I had beat off since those days when we were sixteen in her dad’s basement. I thought of all the times I’d shot cum all over myself thinking about her hot body and love for giving head. My eyes were bloodshot now from being high and from being ready to burst at the seams. I was going to to empty my balls on this hot bitch and nothing could stop that, not even God would be able to take this away from me. I stroked my cock faster while she cupped my balls and pinched them just enough to make me wince. It was time. I pulled back and hissed, “Get ready baby. This is going to be one of the biggest loads you’ve ever seen and I’m gonna drop it all over your face. Are you ready?” “Oh yeah baby I want it so bad…cum…cum…CUM!” With that, my breathing got really heavy. I stroked faster and faster, well past the point of no return. I was about to participate in a very dirty sex act and my body was alive with tingling pleasure. My dick was. Those who were acquainted soon formed into little groups. One of them was made of Debray, Chateau-Renaud, and Beauchamp."Poor girl," said Debray, like the rest, paying an involuntary tribute to the sad event, --"poor girl, so young, so rich, so beautiful! Could you have imagined this scene, Chateau-Renaud, when we saw her, at the most three weeks ago, about to sign that contract?" Indeed, no," said Chateau-Renaud--"Did you know her?" I spoke to her once or twice at Madame de Morcerf's, among the rest; she appeared to me charming, though rather melancholy. Where is her stepmother? Do you know?" She is spending the day with the wife of the worthy gentleman who is receiving us." Who is he?" Whom do you mean?" The gentleman who receives us? Is he a deputy?" Oh, no. I am condemned to witness those gentlemen every day," said Beauchamp; "but he is perfectly unknown to me." Have you mentioned this death in your paper?" It has been mentioned, but the article is not mine; indeed, I doubt if it.
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