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She caught up to Lisa in sauna room 15. Lisa was the only person in the room. Monica peaked into the window, and gazed at Lisa, who was laying across a bench. Monica's pussy was getting drenched by this point. As much as she wanted to slip her hand between her towel, she wanted Lisa more. Monica let herself in the room, and locked the door behind her. She reintroduced herself to Lisa. They talked for a while before Monica dropped her towel. This caught Lisa off guard."Didn't know we could do that?" Lisa said, eyeing Monica's chunky but sexy body, excellent breast, and soft blond mount between her legs. Monica caught site of this, and slipped her hands up Lisa's legs. Lisa wanted to resist, but couldn't. There was something about Monica she couldn't resist. Her legs spread, still partially in the towel, Monica finger banged Lisa, who moaned softly. In and out, in and out, three of Monica's fingers slide into the pink paradise. Monica wanted to know the taste, so she took the fingers. Did her father know of his wife's sexual activities? Could she hug her mom again without thinking of those tits, so much like her own, pressing against her?Delores spent several hours the day before she was to return editing the footage of Tara the past from the past two weeks. She planned on confronting the young woman about what happened tomorrow as soon as she got in. Tara had developed into quite a little pain slut, always pushing the limits of her endurance before giving herself release. Well, Delores would push her even further. She was pleased to see that Tara was turned on by her mother and couldn't wait to get both of them together. She knew Sarah wouldn't mind, having confessed to Delores that she had sexual feelings for the young woman and she was pretty sure that Tara would be up to it as well.Mrs. Samson arrived the next afternoon. Tara greeted her at the door and they embraced and kissed each other on the cheek like they always did. Tara smiled as Mrs. Samson.
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