Tamale mp4 porn

00. Susan and Neil wanted Mac to take the farm as his share and they wanted to keep all the cash. They argued they had family and many large debts that needed to be paid off so they needed the cash. Susan and Neil complained often and loudly that they didn't have time to wait for their share of the value of the land if and when it sold. They further argued since they had the larger family and they had spent more time helping the parents they should not have to split the amount over the value of the land with Mac.Mac had wanted to split everything 50/50 so each had cash now and would get a share of the land value when it sold. The Executor of the Estate had threatened that day to delay distribution until the farm sold if the two arguing siblings didn't agree on a different distribution. The Probate court would not make the distribution until such time as the Executor informed it things were ready to settle. The evening the siblings were informed of that decision was when Neil kicked. My behavior has been utterly inexcusable and I admit it. I'm genuinely sorry about a great many things, but I am especially sorry I nearly drove away the only good man who was ever willing to attempt to offer me his true and genuine love. I do not deserve you, and I need to be reminded of this fact often. I think I know what awaits me when we get home at the ranch, and I'm not going to like it. But I will deserve every bit of it and more. If my Father asks you to do anything at all, do it immediately and without debate!"That was all she had to say, and we drove the last few miles in silence.It was late afternoon when we drove up the ranch road to the main house. All of the lights were on and there seemed to be a number of party decorations displayed everywhere. All of the family members from Christmas Eve were still present except for Randolph, who had gone back to University early to work on a project.Everyone was delighted to see me and greeted me as if I were long-lost family..
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