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She joined up with us and began swimming nude at the pond. The touching happened both before I was married and after. When I was on the nude beach at Sandy Hook I chatted with several guys over time. I was married then. Sandy Hook has four beaches; one is a nude beach. The nude beach is the one that is used the least. A few of the guys put sun lotion on me and in the process felt my breast and pubic mound. Two guys that I see there a lot have touched me very intimately by putting their fingers deep inside me. I have been touched by guys at parties and in clubs when I am there with friends without my husband. I also have been touched by some of my friends’ husbands. When I have a few drinks I get very flirty and tend to lead guys on with the end result usually being I get kissed and touched. I also have touched guys in return.I started reading stories on line after I saw it opened on my husband’s computer. I enjoy X rated stories and soft cover books. I used to buy X rated books at a. It looked as though his eyebrows had been thinned and arched sothey looked more like girl's eyebrows than boy's eyebrows. And eitherhe'd had a bad night and was really tired or the shading around his eyeswas caused by eyeshadow. His clothes were brighter in color and thestyles were really more appropriate for a girl than a boy. And when hestarted speaking his voice had this slight lisp to it."So Danny, how was your summer?" Okay, I guess. Looks like you had a gay old time."Kenny blushed a little at that before he continued, "I've got a friendwho wonders whether you'd like to make a little extra money." Who's your friend and what's the job?" You know him, Coach Reichert. And it just involves a little, well, like,'modeling' after school every so often. Your buddy Joe might even be ableto help out."Oh man, I didn't know what to say and I looked over at Joe and he justrolled his eyes as if to say, "This whole conversation is so fuckingunreal." I was just silent for a moment and then.
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