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Besides, she was almost fourteen now and ready to move into her second year of high school.It was different when she was in the silly middle school and had to listen to all those boring rules and regulations that made no sense to her at all.She was always quick to find an answer for any question the teacher asked but had a hard time in talking to new boys and girls from other classes. Alice smiled because she knew she had a lot of girlfriends who liked her because she always had something to say and tried her best to pass on all the juicy details of the latest news around the school grounds.Alice was a pretty girl.Alice was a smart girl.Alice had more friends than anyone else in the entire school.Her only problem was that whenever she did something that grownups were unhappy with, her only response would be,"It's not my fault!"She was so convinced that she had to be right about everything that the very idea that she might be wrong was impossible for her to consider.Sometimes it would. His eyes looked toward me just as Conrad placed his hand on my hip and began to slowly pressure his fingers into my waist. His hand moved down slowly till he was rubbing the tips of his fingers over strap of my garter belt, moving his digits slowly over the material of my tight skirt. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and leant in to whisper to Conrad that he was a very boy feeling my garters with husband still in the room.“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him!” he smiled“Mmmm!” I replied as Conrad continued stroking my garter strapped buttock. My hand moved off his shoulder as my nails gently stroked his cheek. My husband watched all of this and didn’t flinch one bit. I decided to take my flirting to another level. Smiling at Conrad I stroked his cheek saying.“I seem to have a very naughty boy talking to me, which evens things out as I can be such a naughty girl!”He held me closer as his lips went to my ears and whispered.“A body like yours was meant to be naughty!” as his hand.
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