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It was already wet, so someone must have had a go before me, which instantly sent me into horny overdrive. As his cock got harder and fatter, I moved up and down the shaft of his dick. Now at a respectable 7-ish inches, I sucked and gagged and licked this strangers cock like my life depended on it. I boned up even more when I realised I had absolutely no idea who this guy was, where he worked, what food he liked, how many friends he had... I had the hard long throbbing shaft of an absolute stranger in my mouth. And I loved it. He let out a small moan, and I increased my speed. Taking my hand off his balls, I wrapped it around his shaft and wanked him as I continued to suck. Feeling his hand on the back of my head, I knew the hint he was sending. Forcing his hot tool down my throat, I gagged as saliva and pre-cum drooled out of the sides of my mouth. He began fucking my mouth with his cock, long deep pelvic thrusts, and his breathing grew heavier. At the same time, out of the corner. You will live in my garden cottage next to my estate and I will be certain to keep any dust from settling on your pretty little head.”Cindi giggled much to her displeasure and she rolled over onto her tummy knowing that her jutting up bum was now the focus of Sir Harrison’s greedy glances. All she could think was that he might even want to explore her rear passageway again driving her crazy with passion. He had an ability to make her another person when he toyed with her dirt-hole and she enjoyed the chance to push the limits of her degraded submission.“I still need to secure income for my destitute parents and how am I to make do without working like other folk?”He looked at her and judged that she was merely being direct and curious and not devious like most of the feminine types one found these days scheming to squeeze every last drop of commercial benefit from their fleeting conquests. That was one thing he liked about Cindi. She was not one that toyed much with subterfuge and.
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