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I did not tell him about our lovemaking. He could not have understood and I had no reason to hurt him." Rachel far exceeded my expectations. She told me she was trying out for mom and essentially took over Brianna. They were very cute together. Although I hated it when you left with Charles, but I felt that I had to honor my commitment. That was for me, not for you. My empty life filled with people I cared for and each day, I appreciated what I had." Within a week after I arrived over there, I knew that it had been a mistake to go. Charles was kind and loving and we had some good times, but I was effectively a prisoner. I was accustomed to moving and shaking and being a part of the community. I had far too much time to think about my situation and being here with you, and Brianna's plight. Rachel and Brianna kept me afloat with their email and the few phone conversations we had. I hated to admit that she was right about my needing to be here and cared for when I came home. I don't. He took the contents of the M1936 Musette bag and removed it then he put the bag aside. Then he laid the grenades and the 8 round enbloc ammunition clips for his m1 Garand neatly on his Army Cot and he decided that the grenades should be left behind so he could carry more ammunition for his Service Rifle.So he turned in the grenades to the supply sergeant and obtained more rifle ammunition. Once that was done he decided to carry all of this ammunition the various pockets of his sanitized paratrooper uniform making sure to evenly distribute the ammunition among the pockets of course.He also decided to carry just one radio battery for the radio, and to put all the water canteens on his belt before he boarded the C-47 transport plane. The decided to put the bag of tootsie roll candy, pocket knife and duct tape into one of the uniform chest pockets.He would also make sure that the reserve parachute would be secured to his midsection just in case he needed to use it.At Midnight on August.
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